5 Ways To Raise Your Ambition

Is ambition something you’re born with, and are either wired for or not?

Is ambition an evil drive that causes people to do unethical things for power?

The answer to both questions are a resounding NO.

Ambition can be developed, and should be developed like a fire for your dreams and life purpose.

Ambition is your hunger, your desire, your fire. Ambition is the engine that keeps you fed and reaching for more.

When you have ambition to do great things, to achieve your dreams, the hunger for your vision, ignore the haters and the doubting thomas’ who’ll tell you you’re not qualified, or too big for your britches.

For most people the ambition wanes as the hunger is not stoked enough throughout their day. Hunger is the muscle you build, just like fulfillment and joy. Here are 5 ways to raise your ambition.

1) Harness your imagination

Gods given you the powers of creative imagination as well as the 5 other mental faculties for you to develop and utilize to create anything you want in your life. Reason, will, perception, memory, intuition. Imagination is like a muscle, the more you use it the stronger it gets. If you were inspired in your imagination it would inspire your whole world. Remember that the difference between amateurs and pros comes down to the fact that professionals use their imagination to envision what they want and where they want to go vs. Amateurs who focus on what they don’t want and where they don’t want to go.

Feed your mind – Focus on knowledge acquisition which leads to understanding. You think you want answers. You really want understanding. Feed your mind with nutrients to stimulate growth and living from your best self.

This is where you feed, seed and nourish yourself with the life giving wisdom of the ages. There is an abundance of great nourishment that will enrich the soil of your greatest dreams and intentions. Constantly feed your mind so that you remain in a perpetual learning state where you are continually growing. Give yourself the gift of pure gold for your soul to know and utilize to grow into the greatest version of you.

2) Eliminate negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts

You start to eliminate toxicity that can weigh you down. This is something I started doing with cognitive behavioral therapy many years ago. I’ve been cultivating my mind like a garden of high value fruits. It’s been transformative in how I think and operate today because I will see and steer toward all the positive aspects of things rather than ruminate on what I don’t want. Don’t stop at just eliminating the negative thought, replace it with the positive thought. Establish that habit as the default process that occurs when negative thoughts throw you off.

Become obsessed. Think of your purpose with intensity – everything you do should be leading back to those core reasons why you are doing what you are doing. Travel back to all the seeds of why you have done everything in the first place and you’ll find inspiration and aliveness again.

3) Embrace different methods of thought

There are all kinds of different approaches to how to think about a situation in order to get a favorable result. When you want to change something you have to think in terms of what you can control and that is your perception or your procedure. Your perception is what you think about a situation, how you interpret it, and your procedure is how you go about achieving a result. The process.

4) Believe in yourself

If you believe you will than you will. But if you believe you won’t you will not. There is absolutely no way that it will work unless you believe in yourself. Nothing will work unless you believe in yourself.

5) Focus on your desires

Focus on what you’re already doing right and build some momentum. Think about your successes and then think about what you have to do to get to your grand vision. When your desire is stronger than your fear it is strong enough to achieve the goal.


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