2012 and Beyond~! My 13 Goals for 2013

As I take my seat on this stool again, It's hard to believe that 2012 has flew by so quickly...

It was a solid year of very thoroughly examining my priorities, creating an effective working environment, and serving some wonderful clients.

I am truly blessed to be here and fortunate to get to wake up to the life I have created through many years of hard work and dogged determination.

There is so much in store for you in 2013 I almost don't even want to start explaining it because it would take PAGES to write...

But the Traffic Academy 2.0 Launch WILL be in January even if it IS the last day!

I couldn't be more excited for what 2013 has in store. As I do my yearly review, and make some final preparations for the goals and projects I have slated for 2013 I wanted to remind you to just take a step back for minute, breathe in a full breath of clean air and let yourself enjoy the feeling of all that you have accomplished thus far before you dive into another outstanding 12 months.

It can be a tough road for us as creative professionals, but I guarantee that you have sewn the seeds of greatness and that next year is going to be amazing.

Here are some of the goals I’ll be working on this year.


  • [U]Here are my 13 Goals for 2013: and I'll be damned if i don't hit every single one of them, or at least know I gave my all.[/U]

1) I will launch and guide my next batch of students to excellence, to the best of my ability, (in our specified industry with my training and expertise.)

2) I will achieve a cut 205 lbs and 7% bodyfat physique. (I am also going to commit to measuring and tracking all relevant fitness and nutrition progress on a weekly basis.)

3) I will obtain a mastery over my nutrition intake, and understand how to manipulate the variables of caloric cycling to accelerate any changes I want to make in my body composition, confidently.

4) I will regain a mastery over my physiology that has sort of been slipping due to overworking myself.

5) I will Complete my second musical EP, even If I don't do an official release.

6) I will achieve a stronger, smarter, at ease peace of mind.

7) I will Become an 80 word per minute typer.

8) I will Purge ALL physical paperwork down into a single box of absolutely necessary documents to have on hand, and transfer the rest into digital files and organize into/integrate with my digital workflow system.

9) To not be so hard on myself, put so much pressure on myself, not overdo it, let go and remember to just have more FUN!

10) I will help my grandma finish the movie she has been working on over the last 10 years.

11) I will make enough money to be able to afford the top health care and rehabilitation she needs but cannot pay for right now.

12) I will finish off with my debts, and purchase a new car or Jeep.

13) No matter what, I will not quit. I cannot be stopped if i just don't stop taking action, and focusing on doing things the right way. At the end of the year, once I've checked these off, I will sit down and do it again for next year... Only the next year the goals will be even bigger. In addition to my clients, the blog, all the new students and clients that will be going through this next class, my music, some serious organizational management, and my most audacious fitness goals to date... I've got an extremely exciting, busy, challenging, and purposeful year ahead and so do you so I'll let you go and talk to you NEXT YEAR!

What are you most excited or worried about in 2013?

This is a conversation you know, It's OK to comment and talk to me... I don't bite.

How was your year, what are you most proud of?




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