2 Quick Questions to help me improve my service to you

2 Quick Questions to help me improve my service to you


In order to better serve you in content in the future reply with feedback answering two questions… Your biggest goal? Your Biggest career aspiration? HIT REPLY AND GO!

Meanwhile I’m currently working on finishing up the book that turned into a series i’m titling The Complete Musician Series. A great song is done when it’s done, but then there is the next stage and the next phase!

Since i’ve created so much content i’ve now got to think like multiple channels and multiple programs and multiple shows with characters with my content as I build out the content business to liberate the music business starting with you the modern musician in other news i’m currently thinking about starting a tv channel called music business television where we can pioneer and advance the future of music business education with music business training and music business coaching for independent musicians. If high value and high quality programming and content was avaialbale, what kind of fromat do you prefer it in, and how do you like the idea of not doing traditional advertising but organic promotion directly to the audience whom i’m educate and begin to liberate.


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