11 Secrets For Self Mastery

11 Secrets for Self Mastery

11 Secrets For Self Mastery  1) Integrate a daily Meditation practice - Slowly dissolve the resistance  Meditation is the tool we use to get familiar with ourselves and get better at life.  "The cause of all power, as of all weakness, is within; the secret of all happiness as of all misery is likewise within." James Allen  It is the primary tool I’ve used over the last 15 years to transform myself from an impoverished Homeless kid to in command of my power as the Music Business Architect. As a Master Sergeant for the artists revolution. From no skills and experience to music business liberation. Liberating the music business.  Meditation is like hydration for the soul. With meditation you dissolve the resistance and fears that hold you back from trying and set yourself up for elevated states, thoughts, and vibrations. Ideas carry energy and meditation is the most sophisticated way to tap into the divinity within and tune your frequencies into harmony with that which you want.  2) Use desire like fuel to grow your energy, momentum, and results.  Desire is better thought of as appreciating something into being so you are feeling the desired feeling as opposed to longing for the desire. Desire can be expanded upon and should be thought of as pathways of feeling that lead to actions for actualizing something from within.  Desires need to be meditated on and then aligned with consistently  Some of my desires are very common like the desire for a loving relationship. But some of my other desires are a little less common like My desire for getting into the flow state. My desire for music business liberation. My desire to serve my audience. My desire to be a masterful communicator. Some things to think about to clarify How does being a masterful communicator impact your world and the results that you are able to achieve? How will it make you feel when you are a masterful communicator and have that confidence?   3) Commit to the long term - Recognize life works in seasons and cycles  You’re never done. Self Mastery is an ongoing evolution, it’s one dimension of Modern Musicianship. Create a compelling vision and turn it into a mission. It’s got to be something that inspires you. When people think they’re going to make a million dollars in a short period of time, they are usually victim of the short term mindset. Commitment to the long term is what’s required to grow a sustainable business and brand that increases in value. Modern Musicians don’t believe in get rich quick schemes. They stake their claim by defining their purpose, their vision, their mission, their desires, their goals and all the steps to achieve them, and then get to work for as long as it takes to fulfill the vision. It’s going to take years. Invest in the long term and enjoy the journey. Modern Musicians don’t dabble, they master their career, content, life and self.    4) It’s all in the way you do it = G-code  When I was a broke and homeless boy I began asking myself a question with regards to how I Should use the moment in order to create the most value for me and all those I’m here to serve in the future. What is the right thing, what is the right way, and what is the right time or order to do it in. Now it is a lofty ideal but think about the kind of power that a question like that asked repeatedly by the hour for 15 years will do to someones ability to use the moment to create value with and for their entire universe.  That question shaped the foundation of my personal and professional development over the last 15 years and become what we call The G-Code.  Genius God Greatness  It’s not always perfect, as you can’t know everything about how each opportunity is going to pan out, and sometimes perfection is the enemy of progress. Modern Musicians get the product out there and then iteratively refine and rewrite the song to improve and master it. They put it out there and then make it better over time. It’s this attitude that causes them to perform far better than their peers in every aspect of their lives.  5) Master your focus  Purpose is what dictates your priorities.  Mastering your focus means narrowing your focus to expansively use it to create value.  You see mastering your focus means understanding what you are really focusing for and then spending all your attention focused on the core projects and activities that most move the needle forward on the business.  Modern Musicians master their fundamental use of resources, what you focus on expands.  Develop your focus muscles with practicing concentration. I started with 5 minutes and eventually stretched my focus muscles up to 12-15 hours. Start small. Increase over time with consistent practice.  You want to develop your focus into outcomes that you want and desire vs. Undesigned outcomes that you don’t want.  The ability to focus is a superpower in a world where the long term focus isn’t considered for most Modern Musicians Train and focus like an athlete  Take action and focus like an entrepreneur  6) Follow a system to set and achieve goals  Modern Musicians follow The Goal Achievement Process. Where they live into the blueprints of the lifestyle, goals and outcomes they want. You need to have a system to achieve goals and lasting change. Dialing into the sweet spot in your regimen while on a track to a clear destination is a very different situation than someone who hasn’t thought about what they want or where they’re going. Their is no purpose in their efforts, and no structure to support their full development.  7) Integrate Rituals and Flow  Rituals and good thinking, writing and speaking habits were how I gradually reconditioned and prepared myself to be my best as a daily segment of activities or rituals that renewed me and gave me a foundation for successful ways of being, and helped instill in me a success consciousness. Most mornings for 10 years I’ve done my morning ritual and it consists of a regimen of tasks to awaken, prime and activate me through the day. It can vary from day to day as sometimes the activities like journaling, music, meditation, are replaced with affirmations or priming.  Get into Flow with the Flow Protocol = Get into flow via Workblocks and Worksets.  Everything I do in life centers around flow. It’s this flow state that I live for. It’s a passion and one of the foundational methods that optimize and trigger the flow state.  The flow protocol includes several components that inevitably bring you back into a state of flow and harmony in your life. If you get your vision, your purpose, your mission and goals right along with your sleep cycle right, your circadium rhythm, your morning ritual, your workblocks and worksets, your pit stops, and your daily rpm you will inevitably find your way to the sweetspot of flow, get into a rhythm and a flow with your activities and in certain stages and seasons of your life you will be overcome with joy and desire to do the thing you love to do most.  8) Self love and self compassion are key  This is the gift you give yourself for being a good person and having good intentions all your life. Self love and self compassion can be a miracle cure and should be practiced daily. Self love is how you get past the prison of poor conditioning and programming and transcend to higher levels of being and doing in life. You have to love the potential in you so much that it voids all objections to your path to actualization. Self love is how you can give your best to others. If you don’t have love for yourself first, you wont have love to give to others.  9) Master Your Learning journey  Make your rise to greatness an adventure with an epic learning journey. You need to design the curriculum of your life’s development and unfoldment. Every book you read helps you uncover truths and develop skills and capabilities that serve your mission and purpose. Your intellectual journey can be a wellspring of energy and joy as you learn the keys to life. Your intellectual dimension should not be neglected with casual regard. Rather it can be shaped intentionally to grow and develop all areas of your life. Learning is not something you stop doing. To stop learning is to stop growing. Modern Musicians learn, study, and master their learning journey.  10) Spiritual journey  Your spiritual journey is the reason that you are here in this life. You’ve come here to fulfill your purpose and achieve your goals. Modern Musicianship is a spiritual journey as it is the development of your energy and your passion. As much as it is about achievement, it is about fulfillment, and that’s more spiritual and inner game driven in nature. The spiritual journey unlocks another level of communication with yourself and others, as well as with god. The spiritual nature of your work as an artist or creator aligns and bridges, as well as expands and flows with your practice of Modern Musicianship.   11) Emotional journey  Your emotional journey is the eb and flow of your emotions throughout the day. By focusing your thoughts you can activate certain emotions and generate the states you want to experience during the day. You can also choose to respond rather than react to emotional outbursts that might have gotten the better of you in the past. It is through the disciplined practice of thought and visualization, as well as segment intention and priming that you can live an emotionally rich life.  Success Conditioning contains a number of tools and techniques for belief clearing, overcoming challenges or limitations, gratitude, affirmation, declaration, incantation and visualization are all tools of success conditioning. Modern Musicians use them everyday to get them into the zone of optimal performance each day   There you have it, 11 secrets for self mastery. Integrate all these 11 secrets and you have the recipe to a success foundation that will last over the long term. When you are ready to step your game up to Modern Musicianship, go here to schedule a Music Business Breakthrough Session as our gift to you for what you do  Look for the Report Modern Musicianship: The Pathway To Your Paradise being released in the next week or two.  I'd love to hear from you, what are you most interested in hearing/learning about these days? just hit reply and let her rip.  Stay Fresh,  Jamie Leger The Music Business Architect for Independent Artists & Creators  --> FREE GUIDE: Double New Fan Signups At Your Next Show!  Proudly Helping Hundreds of Modern Musicians liberate the music business, declare their artistic independence, and unlock their full potential doing what they love-on their own terms.  Founder & CEO of The Music Business Liberation Academy Author of The Music Business Manifesto Creator of the Music Business Blueprint 

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